Tour Pro Talks needs you!
On my weekly LinkedIn Live broadcast this week, I’ll be speaking to Daniela Robinson about how learning German can be a key factor in offering German guests a 5-star experience. I’m looking forward to this for two reasons. Firstly, I’ve been following Daniela on LinkedIn for some time, and I know she’s got heaps of fascinating things to say on the subject. Secondly, this is the tenth instalment in my Tour Pro Talks series. And that’s cause for a little celebration, don’t you think? If you work in tourism and/or you’ve got something to say that might interest your colleagues, then read on ā I need your help! Then and now People often congratulate me on having the idea for Tour Pro Talks, but I can’t take the credit. It was the brain-child of my amazing business mentor, Rachael Roberts. When Rachael first suggested it, my first thought was, quite frankly, ‘Eek!’ The thought of hosting a live video interview was terrifying (How on earth would I find interviewees? Who would watch? How would I handle the tech?) but I decided to go for it. And I’m so glad I did. The first episode went amazingly well. I was blessed with a fantastic interviewee (trekking guide, Birman Tamang). We had a supportive audience and both felt completely buoyed by the positivity we were met with. The broadcast was amazing, and I felt very comfortable during it even though hundreds of people were watching us. The comments and questions showed that there was so much interest in hearing from guides, and wow, I felt so much love from the audience. Birman Tamang