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Your website copy audit: what to expect.

What to do if your website isn’t getting you the leads and the bookings you’d like?

Okay, so maybe you’re getting a query here, a tyre-kicker there. But that’s hardly the steady flow of bookings you need to thrive and survive.

You’ve read and reread your own words so many times that they no longer make sense. You can’t separate the good from the bad and the downright ugly.

It’s all…just…words.

And now you’ve decided it’s time for a fresh pair of eyes to figure out what’s not working. No, not your partner or your best pal – someone who knows their way around words. And sales. And the tourism and travel industry.

What you need is a website copy audit. Who you need…well, we’ll come to that later.

For now, let’s talk about copy audits:

  • What can you expect?
  • How will it help you?
  • How much does one cost?

To find out, keep reading.

What is a copy audit?

A copy audit lets you see how the words on your website come across to potential customers.

Your auditor will start by getting a feel for your copy as a whole. How clear is your overall message (will your customers understand what you offer?) How does your tone sound? Is your structure strong – does it take your customer gently by the hand and steer them where you want them to go?

After getting a broad picture, the auditor starts to break things down. They will seek out cliches, fluff and ambiguous language.

They will also look at:

  • whether your writing is accessible and easy to read
  • if your writing is engaging (and if not, why not)
  • how straightforward your booking process is
  • whether your copy is customer-centred
  • if your copy flows well

If there’s something you really want to focus on (perhaps you’re worried you sound too formal, for example) you can mention this to your auditor before they start work. A copywriter who knows what they’re doing will have no difficulty in spotting issues like this, but it’s always useful to hear things from the customer’s perspective.

What’s the first step?

Your words and website don’t exist in a vacuum. They’re a vital part of your business branding. So any good copy audit should have, as its first step, some fact-finding from the auditor.

Personally, my first step is to send my audit customers a detailed questionnaire. The information you provide me helps me find out more about your business, your goals and any challenges you may be facing.

And, if there’s anything else I need to know before I get started, I’ll send you some follow-up questions.

How personal does a copy audit get?

As well as focusing on the areas outlined above, a copy audit may identify issues that are specific to your writing.

For example, you may have a tendency to opt for cliches. Or perhaps you have a penchant for the pasive voice.

No two copy audits are the same, as everyone has different areas they need to focus on.

How detailed is the feedback?

You can expect a two-page PDF with detailed feedback on your copy. Included in the PDF is an action plan, so you know the issues you need to address and in what order.

Who’s going to do my copy audit?

Copy audits are usually carried out by copywriters. That’s because when it comes to:

  • tone of voice
  • buyer psychology
  • appealing to your customers’ emotions
  • structural soundness
  • obstacles to clarity

…we know our stuff.

But, as you’ll know, there are loads of copywriters out there. Each one with a sparkly website promising you the world on a plate – if only you’ll sign up to their services.

How can you choose the one for you? Here are a few tips:

  • Choose someone who clearly sets out what you can expect from their service. You don’t want to shell out your hard-earned cash for some scribbles on the back of a post-it note.
  • Pick a copywriter who seems like someone you’d like to work with. If a person comes across as reliable and approachable on social media, that’s a good start.
  • Read reviews and testimonials carefully (you can always check they’re from real people if there’s any doubt in your mind). Look on the copywriter’s website, Google Business page and LinkedIn (if they hang out there).
Genevieve checks phone, while doing website copy audit.

And, at the risk of sounding forward, perhaps I can recommend myself?

As a travel and tourism copywriter, I spend my days helping businesses like yours. I spend a LOT of time writing and rewriting websites, and I’m familiar with common copy issues, and how to fix them.

As a former teacher, I’m used to giving constructive feedback. I won’t tell you your writing’s rubbish, but I will flag any issues and tell you how you need to fix them. No more second-guessing what your customers are making of your website and posts. You’ll know where your copy is falling short and what to do about it.

My website copy audit is currently priced at £99.00.

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